Thursday 23 May 2013


They're out late this year, but they're none the worse for it. The woods round here are awash in a sea of bluebells, waving gently in the breeze and basking in the sun as it shines patchily through the thickening canopy of leaves.

It will totally piss it down tomorrow, no doubt, but for now I'm enjoying being lulled into a false sense of security as far as warm and summery goes.

The downside, of course, is the midgies. But I can deal with that. Out in the garden we're starting to get the first few shoots of carrots and a single, brave leek. The suspect onions have miraculously sprouted, while the sprouts – donated by my neighbour last year – have gone to seed, more's the pity. The peas are looking good, though, and there may or not be a courgette growing. I'm not sure; it could be a weed but we're going with it right now.

Since Bealltainn, it finally feels like the long winter is over and it feels like that in more ways than one, I guess; I'm nearly weaned off my pain medication completely and it really feels like a mental fog has been lifted. I'm feeling almost energetic...

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