Saturday 31 December 2011

Beannachadh Bliadhna Ùir

A happy Hogmanay to you all! And Good Wishes for the new year.

Today I'll be having the traditional tidy up and setting things in order, and tonight I'll be having a quiet celebration at home, with some offerings and a little ritual. I've decided I won't be trying the traditional Het Pint as the bells ring the new year in; eggs in my beer/whisky are kind of off-putting, I think!

Tomorrow we'll be off to the in-laws for the traditional steak pie dinner, as usual, but right now I thought I'd post an adaptation of a new year blessing that Carmichael recorded in Volume One of the Carmina Gadelica (said first thing on the first day of the new year):

Gods, bless to me the new day,
Never given to me before;
It is to bless your own presence
That you have given me this time, O Gods.
Bless to me my eye,
May my eye bless all it sees;
I will bless my neighbour,
May my neighbour bless me.
Gods, give me a clean heart,
Let me not from the sight of your eye;
Bless to me my family,
And bless to me my way.


Treasa said...

Athbhiain Faoi Mhaise a Dhuit!

Kathryn Price NicDhàna said...

Slàinte mhath! (*cough, cough* "Sain 'til ya cough, it be tradish!!!")

Seren said...

Lang may yer lum reek!

Sadly fumigation isn't too practical for me - smoke detectors that are wired in to the electrics, frowning husband and small children/menagerie of animals make smoking the house out with juniper difficult. Instead I opted for taking the cream of the water and using it for saining after sweeping out the old year, with a bit of bog standard incense on the go.